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0 Simple Question - x 0

Hey sweeties :) <3 - x Miley here :-] .

Maybe you guessed what's the question . (:
Maybe I am asking you this thing too early . (:

I don't know the answer of these sentences . Just you can tell me what's it . >3
Be honest , smile to me one more time . :-] I am feeling as I am in the middle of a World .
I should know what'cha really think ! Listen to your heart . xo >D<
@ Miley :)
Hope you gave me one chance. :-]
Hope you gave me one chance. :-]
Do you believe in me now ? >3. xo
Do you believe in me now ? >3. xo
Follow your heart , to the truth . xD
Follow your heart , to the truth . xD

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