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0 I Growed - Read This 0

- Hey there :-). ♥ @mileycyrus here <3.
Guys , maybe you are wondering what's with this album . Well , I wanted to explain you some valorous things ! :-). A lot of you are thinking that I became a b***h . No , I just growed up , guys ! The life starts easy , but when 18 years passed , and you are older , you have to change you up . ♥ :-) About my mistakes ? I am sorry because I have dissapointed you . <3 However , going back to the subject , I am not differend at all ! I am just looking differend ! But inside me , I am the same . I left Hannah , because she was a second part of me and I needed to remain just me . :-) ♥ My changes are just on my look , not on my personality ! :] - A big part of this World forgot me because I am differend . But the real friends are still beside me , supporting me as I am . :-) ♥ So please , understand me , #iloveyou . ♥ xoxo
xo Miley =] '.
Guys, keep smiling and loving. :)
Guys, keep smiling and loving. :)
Hope I have made order here. :-]
Hope I have made order here. :-]

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