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0 Am I Invisible - Lol 0

- #♥SMILE , #♥CarryOut . :-) x Miley here <3 .
Lol , I was searching between my personal things and I found my lipstick ! =] Maybe this is not so important , so , let's skip this part ! :) ♥ I am just really dissapointed . I thought that coming here will bring me some smiles , but I haven't what to do here . :[ I am feeling as I am somebody invisible here , but hope that you will open your eyes , seeing that I am here , too . :-] ♥ Take care of you . :-)

x Miley x ♥ - thank you @brandicyrus , @selenagomez , for a great conversation . xd
Favorite photo . Just @mileycyrus can own it , you caught it . Haha .
Favorite photo . Just @mileycyrus can own it , you caught it . Haha .
At the pool with @noahcyrus .. enjoying the hot water .
At the pool with @noahcyrus .. enjoying the hot water .
With my boys on the @halloweencrazynights .
With my boys on the @halloweencrazynights .

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