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0 Hating Paparazzi - Life S 0

- Hey :). Miley here >3 ♥.
I never thought that I could meet bigger life-stealers . :-| They are freaking annoying taking all my privacy all the time . This is the bad part being a famous teenager ! This can be so ridiculous :-( . But I can't stop them , because I am in the musical industries , I am a song-writer and an actress . How can I have not these monsters around me ? But I will keep calm and resist ♥. Because I know that even if I have to pay this price , I have all of you beside me , supporting me ♥. :-)
xo Miley =] '.
I have a ridiculous face for some ridiciculous people =) :]
I have a ridiculous face for some ridiciculous people =) :]
#ohmyGod you are freaking annoying.
#ohmyGod you are freaking annoying.

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