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0 Questions Tape - Haha 0

- Hey >3 ♥. x Miley here <3 0_0.
I just needed to know all you wanna ask me. :) Would be my pleasure to answer to you, because you are my little pink-olives. Haha =] .♥ So, questions time. >D< (: xo
x Miley x ♥.
@dwalker and @realtannie are amazing . No twitmatches .
@dwalker and @realtannie are amazing . No twitmatches .
We like having @celebrationsh in dresses .
We like having @celebrationsh in dresses .
Let me kiss cha . Haha , @brownmking you rock .
Let me kiss cha . Haha , @brownmking you rock .
@michellez you are a little bear haha .
@michellez you are a little bear haha .
Amazing times , miss you @hannahmontana . found in my pc .
Amazing times , miss you @hannahmontana . found in my pc .
I told her that I would pray for me to become @karatekid haha .
I told her that I would pray for me to become @karatekid haha .
Never say never premiere for @justinbieber nice night .
Never say never premiere for @justinbieber nice night .
Sing of happiness and of the people wich arent faking smiles .
Sing of happiness and of the people wich arent faking smiles .
With my little cute fan called @ashleytipinn love you . xo
With my little cute fan called @ashleytipinn love you . xo

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